This article covers how to uninstall the Virtru for Outlook Desktop Extension. Uninstalling and reinstalling is a good place to start when it comes to troubleshooting most common issues.
If your organization force installed the Virtru for Outlook Desktop extension, you will need to contact your internal IT admin to uninstall Virtru.
Uninstall Instructions
Virtru's add-in for Outlook desktop can be removed by using Programs & Features in your Control Panel. Follow the steps below to uninstall Virtru.
1. Close Outlook. To ensure Outlook is closed, go to the Task Manager > click End all Outlook Processes
2. Open Control Panel > Programs > Programs & Features.
3. Select "Virtru for Outlook" > click Uninstall > select Yes to confirm.
If you need to reinstall Virtru after you complete the uninstall process, please refer to Install and activate the Virtru for Outlook Desktop Extension (Windows Desktop only).