Before you can send and receive secure emails with Virtru, you will need to install and activate the Virtru Outlook 365 Add-in (for Web, Desktop, Mobile). In this article, we'll show you how to install and activate the Virtru add-in. Step by step instructions can be found below.
Please Note:
The environment requirements can be found here: Environment requirements for Outlook 365 Add-in. There are also a few browser settings to configure: Cookies and Pop-Up Requirements for the Outlook 365 Add-in
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Important Note about Virtru for Outlook Desktop and Virtru for Outlook 365
The Virtru for Outlook Desktop Extension and the Virtru for Outlook 365 Add-in will conflict if both are installed in your Outlook desktop application. Please be sure only one is installed. To uninstall Virtru for Outlook Desktop, please find the instructions here.
1. Open the following link in your browser: https://cdn.virtru.com/outlookjs/manifest/VirtruForOutlook.xml
2. Go to File > Save Page As... or right-click > Save as...
3. Save as ".xml" file in your desired location
4. In your browser, navigate to https://aka.ms/olksideload or https://outlook.office.com/mail/inclientstore
5. This should open your "Add-Ins for Outlook" menu in your webmail. Select My add-ins
6. Scroll down on the My add-ins page. Click on Add a custom add-in, then click Add from File...
7. Select the .xml file saved in Step 3
8. Click Install
When complete, your Add-Ins for Outlook section should list Virtru
Admin approval may be required
Virtru requires permission to access various resources to complete activation, which may require admin approval. More details: Action Required: O365 Add-In Authentication Updates
1. Create a New message by clicking the New message button
2. Click the Virtru icon
If you do not see Virtru, open the Apps menu and click Virtru
3. If you wish, pin Virtru to your side panel. Then, select an activation option
4. The next steps will differ slightly depending on the activation pathway you choose
- If you choose to Activate with Office365 (or SSO), a new window will open where Virtru uses your existing login with your identity provider to complete Virtru activation.
- If this is your first time activating, you will see a prompt to grant Virtru permission to access information from your identity provider. Accept to continue.
- If you choose to Activate with Email, you will receive an email from noreply-activation@virtru.com in your inbox. If you are not receiving this after a few seconds, quickly check spam and move it to your Inbox, if necessary.
- Virtru will automatically pick up from there and complete the activation. However, if this is not happening, head over to the activation email and open it up. Once open, select the Virtru icon while viewing the email and click Activate via Email again.
Once activation is complete, the Virtru panel will update to display the Protection toggle and message options.
If you do not receive the activation email at all, please reach out to support@virtru.com. If you receive the activation email, but the activation does not complete successfully, review the Troubleshooting Section
If you use the Activate with Email pathway and receive the email, yet the activation doesn't complete, review this troubleshooting guide and follow the steps to resolve: Virtru for Outlook 365 not activating successfully
Reach out to Virtru Support if you are not receiving an activation email at all, or if you have trouble activating through one of the other pathways. Provide as much detail as possible, including screenshots (if applicable) to support@virtru.com.