This article covers how to uninstall the Virtru for Outlook 365 Add-in. Uninstalling and reinstalling is a good place to start when it comes to troubleshooting most common issues.
If your organization force installed the Virtru for Outlook 365 add-in, you will need to contact your internal IT admin to uninstall Virtru.
Uninstall Instructions
Virtru's Outlook 365 Add-In can be removed in Outlook's Custom add-ins section. Follow the steps below to uninstall Virtru:
1. In your browser, navigate to or (and sign in to your Microsoft Outlook)
2. Navigate to the My add-ins section
3. Scroll down to the "Custom add-ins" section, select the options […] button and click Remove
If you need to reinstall Virtru after you complete the uninstall process, please refer to Install and activate the Virtru for Outlook 365 Add-in (for Web, Desktop, Mobile)