How to Cancel your Virtru Account
If you wish to cancel your account, please review our cancellation policy below. If your account is eligible to cancel, please have the account owner, or an administrator (found in Control Center), email and include any additional details about the reason you are cancelling.
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Cancellation Policy
Per Virtru’s Terms of Service, cancellations must be requested in writing 30 days prior to the end of the current term of your yearly subscription. If not, your subscription will automatically renew for another year.
All cancellation requests must be sent to The cancellation requests must be submitted by one of the following individuals:
- Virtru account owner - the person who bought the Virtru subscription for your organization
- Billing contact - whoever receives Virtru invoices, renewal reminders, and payment confirmations within your organization.
- Virtru Admin - a user listed as an admin in the Virtru system (has full access to manage your organization's Virtru account and users).
Please note that Virtru contracts are annual and paid upfront each year. As a result, Virtru does not allow early termination or issue refunds (partial or full) for current subscription periods. If you wish to cancel mid-contract, your cancellation will not take effect until your next renewal date at the end of your current contract term.
By canceling, you will no longer be able to use any paid Virtru product after your subscription expires. You will still be able to view previously encrypted emails and files via Virtru's Secure Reader. You will also be able to access the Virtru Control Center to manage previously sent secure emails.