The Cloud HSM integration with Virtru Private Keystore (for Virtru Solutions) is designed to give the highest possible protection of encryption keys. This document will cover the steps required to connect a Virtru Private Keystore to the Cloud HSM, and will also detail the steps required to import existing Virtru Private Keystore keys into the HSM.
Jump to:
- Relevant Links
- Assumptions
- HSM Configuration
- Create an RSA key pair on the HSM
- Install Virtru Private Keystore
- Upgrade Procedure From Existing Virtru Private Keystore (Import Keys and Connect Virtru Private Keystore to HSM)
Relevant Links
Install and Configure the AWS CloudHSM Client (Linux) - AWS CloudHSM
Supported Linux operating systems for AWS CloudHSM
Virtru Private Keystore Prerequisites
Must run Virtru Private Keystore on a host that supports AWS CloudHSM
Important Note
Virtru Private Keystore runs on Linux hosts with Docker and Docker Compose installed, please confirm that your host is compatible with both AWS Cloud HSM and Virtru CKS. At the time of this writing, Cloud HSM does not support Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (per AWS Documentation)
HSM cluster has already been stood up
HSM has not been initialized
CU username is
- Key labels for CKS keys are
HSM Configuration
Initialize the HSM cluster
Create an HSM in the cluster
Important Note
Ensure the HSM is located in the same Availability Zone as the host running the CKS service

Wait for HSM to be created

Download certificate signing request
Click the top button to download the CSR for your cluster
Name: cluster-<cluster-id>_ClusterCsr.csr
Copy downloaded CSR to your CKS Server
Sign the CSR
Signing your HSM CSR - AWS Documentation
Create a private key:
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out customerCA.key 2048
Include a passphrase
Use the private key to create a self-signed certificate:
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3652 -key customerCA.key -out customerCA.crt
Use passphrase above when generating the certificate
Sign the cluster CSR:
openssl x509 -req -days 3652 -in cluster-<cluster-id>_ClusterCsr.csr -CA customerCA.crt -CAkey customerCA.key -CAcreateserial -out cluster-<cluster-id>_CustomerHsmCertificate.crt
Use passphrase above and clusterID of cluster-<cluster-id>
You should now have cluster-<cluster-id>_CustomerHsmCertificate.crt created:
Download signed HSM certificate and self-signed cert created on the instance to upload to AWS console:
Finish initializing the cluster by uploading HSM cert and self-signed cert to HSM cluster
Initialization now complete
Connect the HSM cluster to EC2 instance
Configure Security Groups - AWS Documentation
Then add security group from the HSM cluster to the CKS host:
Install the AWS cloudHSM client on EC2 instance:
Install and Configure the AWS CloudHSM Client (Linux) - AWS CloudHSM
Retrieve IP from HSM cluster in AWS web console
Activate the cluster
Activate HSM Cluster - AWS Documentation
/opt/cloudhsm/bin/cloudhsm_mgmt_util /opt/cloudhsm/etc/cloudhsm_mgmt_util.cfg
Enable e2e, log in as PRECO, then change password for CO
Login as CO and create cryptouser CU
loginHSM CO admin <password>
createUser CU cryptouser <password>
Set up HSM command line tools
There are 2 command line tools:
cloudhsm_mgmt_util (utilized in previous step to create CU user)
Used for managing HSM users
Used for managing HSM keys
sudo service cloudhsm-client start
Starts the daemon
Executable - prompt changes to Command when running
Create an RSA key pair on the HSM
If importing existing keys from an existing Virtru Private Keystore or external source, you may skip to Upgrade Procedure From Existing Virtru Private Keystore (Import Keys and Connect Virtru Private Keystore to HSM)
sudo service cloudhsm-client start
Command: loginHSM -u CU -s cryptouser -p <password>
Command: genRSAKeyPair -m 2048 -e 65541 -l rsa001
Install Virtru Private Keystore
If upgrading an existing Virtru Private Keystore, see steps in next section
Install Virtru Private Keystore
After running the primary setup script to completion, within your cks-setup-scripts directory you will run the setup-cks-hsm-latest.sh script
Before running the HSM integration, SSH into the machine on a second connection.
Enter IP address retrieved when connecting host to HSM (Retrieve IP from HSM cluster in AWS web console)
Before hitting enter, on your second SSH session, copy
into the/hsm-config
directory in/var/virtru/cks
The connection to the HSM from the CKS requires the certificate to reside in the
directory, which did not exist before selecting the HSM option for your key management
The slot label will be
when prompted -
For the key pair label, enter
Use your created CU user and password for the pin (example:
) -
Continue with remaining Virtru Private Keystore install setup
Upgrade Procedure From Existing Virtru Private Keystore (Import Keys and Connect Virtru Private Keystore to HSM)
Run Key Management Utility
sudo service cloudhsm-client start
Login as the crypto user
loginHSM -u CU -s cryptouser -p <password>
Find all keys for the current user
If any keys need to be deleted as they will not be part of this integration, do so with the following command:
deleteKey -k <keyHandle>
Check if any keys remain on the HSM
Import key pair from file system on existing Virtru Private Keystore
If running the CloudHSM instance of CKS on a separate host, copy over rsa001.pem and rsa001.pub from your CKS host
There are 2 distinct commands here to import the public and then import the private key. We’ll do each step by step according to the linked AWS documentation
Import the public key
Private keys need to be
, Virtru generated CKS private keys are.pem
mv rsa001.pem rsa001.key
Public keys need to be
, Virtru generated CKS public keys are.pub
mv rsa001.pub rsa001.pem
Start key_mgmt_util and log in as cryptouser:
loginHSM -u CU -s cryptouser -p cryptouser123
importPubKey -l rsa001 -f rsa001.pem
Public Key Label: prodkey
Public Key Handle: <pubKeyHandle>
Important Note
All keys needing to be read by the CKS need to have the same label, you may opt to label keys something more generic
Create wrapping key required for importing private key
genSymKey -t 31 -s 32 -l aes256
Wrapping Key Handle: <wrappingKeyHandle>
Note this handle, as you will need to import all private keys with this wrapping key as part of the command.
Import the private key
importPrivateKey -f rsa001.key -l rsa001 -w <wrappingKeyHandle>
Private Key Handle: <privKeyHandle>
Verify imported keys are in HSM cluster
Repeat step 2 and 3 for any additional key pairs. As noted in step 2, ALL imported keys must have the same label to be read by the CKS, as opposed to importing key pairs as
rsa001, rsa002, etc.
Backup and Upgrade Virtru Private Keystore
Follow the procedure to back up and upgrade your Virtru Private Keystore: Virtru Private Keystore Upgrade
- After running the primary setup script to completion, within your cks-setup-scripts directory you will run the setup-cks-hsm-latest.sh script
Before running the HSM integration, SSH into the machine on a second connection.
Enter IP address retrieved when connecting host to HSM (Retrieve IP from HSM cluster in AWS web console)
Before hitting enter, on your second SSH session, copy
into the/hsm-config
directory in/var/virtru/cks
The connection to the HSM from the CKS requires the certificate to reside in the
directory, which did not exist before selecting the HSM option for your key management
The slot label will be
when prompted -
For the key pair label, enter
Use your created CU user and password for the pin (example:
) -
Continue with remaining Virtru Private Keystore install setup